
Maximising benefits of contract workers... A Guide for Business Owners

Running a successful business in today's dynamic market requires adaptability. To remain competitive, it's essential to build a versatile team that can respond to changing demands with ease.

Our guide will show you how leveraging temporary employees and contractors can transform your business strategy.

Discover the untapped potential of temporary employees and contractors with our guide available for download today.

What's Inside:

  • The Difference's Between a Contractor and Temp: Clear the confusion and understand the distinctions between hiring contractors and temporary employees. Learn which option best suits your business needs and objectives.

  • The Benefits of Using Flexible Workers: Explore the numerous advantages of integrating temporary and contract workers into your workforce.

  • How to Decide If You Need a Contractor or Perm: Making the right staffing choices is critical for success. Our guide will equip you with the insights to make informed decisions on when to opt for contractors and when to consider permanent hires.

  • How to Engage a Contractor: Have a look at some of the benefits of using an agency to help you with this.

  • Why Choose Our Company: We understand the challenges business owners face in optimising their workforce. Our guide is backed by a team of experienced professionals who have successfully implemented flexible staffing strategies.

The benefits? The guide is FREE! Download your copy today!

Our Specialisations

We're proud to source talent for a range of organisations, from regional success stories to national and global firms across the following specialisations. If your recruitment requirements don't quite fit into these there's no need to worry, we're flexible and happy to work with you to achieve the best outcome for your business. 

Dont just take our word for it​​

Allianz Contact Centre logo
Allianz Contact Centre

Allianz approached peoplefusion with a requirement for 30+ temporary staff over a 12-18 month period to assist in maintaining customer service standards during a major business transition...

Hunter Water Contact Centre logo
Hunter Water Contact Centre

In 2014 Hunter Water Corporation trialled shifting their 15-person Contact Centre from outsourced to insourced due to poor customer feedback.  peoplefusion was selected following a tender process...

Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service logo
Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service

peoplefusion is proud to have worked closely with the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service since 2001,  sucessfully partnering with them to build a world class team.  This not-for-profit organisation's team has grown...

The Wests Group logo
The Wests Group

The Wests Group has experienced many great successes over the years with ongoing Club expansions. The orgnaisation now encompasses five clubs, five fitness venues, three hotels and the Newcastle...

Jackie Barnes logo
Jackie Barnes

Over 10 years ago, Jackie Barnes came to us looking for a flexible temp work opportunity that would allow her to work when she chose to and...