
Do some jobs appear to be more glamorous than they actually are?

almost 8 years ago by Sally Bartley

career tips

ABC Newcastle Breakfast recently posed the following to listeners:

If you were asked what the most glamorous job in the world is, what would you pick? We've all had moments of envy when we hear about someone who is leading an amazing, professional life. But do some jobs appear to be more glamorous than they actually are?

Are flight attendants as poised as they appear? Is it all schmoozing clients over bourbon and steaks for an advertising executive? Do private investigators really lead exciting, dangerous lives? Or have we got the wrong idea?

What a fun topic!

peoplefusion Director Sally Bartley was excited to join Presenter Garth Russell to chat about how, as a Recruitment Specialist, part of her role is to encourage employers not to shy away from articulating any not-so-glamorous aspects of a job. The reason? It actually improves their chance of finding the right person for that job.

“The more detail the better. It really starts with when you’re with the employer … going out to the business and seeing as much about that role as you can before you even start to sit down with potential candidates to talk about the realities of that role.

“It’s one of the tips I say to people looking to employ, who sometimes feel a bit icky about talking about those unglamorous tasks, we say make sure you’re really open about them, talk about why they are an important part of the role, and perhaps offer strategies of how successful people in the past have done that role and done those unglamorous tasks and seen them to be just a part of being successful in that role,” said Sally.

You can listen to Sally's interview with ABC Newcastle via SoundCloud here.